my GHOST SHRIMP had BABIES!! (Ghost shrimp fry) |Julia & Olga| Homestead Wannabes 5:52 4 years ago 62 063 Далее Скачать
what baby ghost shrimp look like #shrimp #shrimptank #ghostshrimp #aquarium #shrimps LovesAquatics 0:11 2 years ago 4 531 Далее Скачать
Ghost Shrimp Care, Breeding, WaterParameters, Tank Mates & Feeding.All you need to know! JR Aquarium JR Aquarium 5:32 3 years ago 59 333 Далее Скачать
Top 12 Tank Mates for Cherry Shrimp You Need to Try! Aquarium Co-Op 6:57 4 years ago 735 725 Далее Скачать
Why are my baby shrimp dying? - HELP MORE OF YOUR BABY SHRIMP SURVIVE WITH THESE 4 TIPS & TRICKS FishKeepingAnswers 5:32 2 years ago 19 513 Далее Скачать
Ghost shrimp having babies you can see it come off watch til the end#glassshrimp#shrimp#ghostshrimp Super Duper 1:43 4 years ago 640 Далее Скачать